The Second Battle of Torreon was a vicious military engagement of the Mexican Revolution. It was fought between Pancho Villa's Northern Division and the Victoriano Huerta's federal army, under Jose Velasco, from March 25 to April 2, 1914, in Torreon, Coahuila, northern Mexico. The strongly protected citadel of Terreon had already fallen into the revolutionaries' hands in 1913. However, it had recently been retaken by the dictator's federal army.
Pancho Villa was the commander of the Northern Division. The second in command was General Felipe Angeles, a highly qualified and skillful artillery officer, who had fought under Francisco Madero when the Revolution broke out in 1910. Fire support provided by the French-made 75-mm M1897 guns was key for Pancho Villa to be able to take Torreon by assault in cavalry charges. Right before every attack launched by Villa, the citadel was heavily pounded by direct gun fire, which opened wide breaches in the defensive redoubts and walls.
Right before the Second Battle of Torreon began, Felipe Angeles deployed most of his guns on a low hill, which was west of the city. Preceded by a series of skirmishes, the first assault on Torreon started on March 25, with a fierce attack on La Pila forts, which were heavily defended by the federal forces. After two days and a series of courageous assaults launched by Villa, the revolutionaries were able to take La Pila.
On March 28, Pancho Villa would unleash other ferocious attacks against enemy positions in other parts of the city. Finally, on April 2, after intense fighting all throughout the city, Torreon was completely taken by the revolutionaries, with the capture of La Polvadera, Eladio Contreras and Calabazas forts.
Below, Pancho Villa on horseback as the Northern Division close in on Torreon before the final attack.
French-made 75-mm guns of the Villas's artillery unit, under Felipe Angeles. At the time it was one of the most advanced gun as it was used in World War I. First produced in 1897, it was the first artillery piece in the world fitted with hydraulic recoil system.
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